
Use this page to report irregularities, clandestine energy connections and lights left on.

Fraud Report

Energy theft is a crime, causes damages and impacts the quality of service. If you notice any irregularity or suspect clandestine connections to the energy grid, report it.

Your report can be anonymous. Just fill the fields below, with special attention to the complete address of the location of the occurrence.

If you prefer, you can call the Customer Service Centre on  0800 28 00 120

Data reporting the event

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Lights left on

Lights left on in the street during the day cause unnecessary resource and energy spending. If you notice any public lighting location left on during the day, inform us through our channel.

Data reporting the event

Your data (optional)

* Required fields

Employee without ethics

If an Enel employee has behaved unethically such as requesting a bribe, selling the service or others, fill in the fields below and help us improve our service.

For complaints regarding badly-executed jobs, please contact our call center or our Service Stores.

Your data (optional)

Data reporting the event

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