Tips and Guidance

Distributing energy, sharing opportunities

Find out in the items below how to use energy in a more rational way, avoiding waste. Furthermore, click here to download a brochure with lots of information on contractual issues, rights and responsibilities, alerts about risks and dangers, guidance on energy efficiency and responsible energy consumption.


Important: the first step to avoid wasting energy at your company is to implement an internal energy-saving programme which includes guidance, actions and controls to reduce “specific consumption”, that is, to reduce the energy volume needed to obtain a certain product.



· Check if there are oversized engines and try to adequate them.

·  When replacing burnt or oversized engines, always choose a high-performance model.

· When the functioning mode of an engine is very variable, make adjustments by installing frequency inverters.

· Turn machine engines off when they are not operational.

·  Make periodical maintenance checks.

· Verify if the starters are adequate.


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