New campaign: "Forget the workaround"!

Published on Tuesday, 15 August 2017

“The goal of the campaign is to demonstrate that you cannot count on “workarounds” when something goes wrong and that the best alternative is to use the support services from Enel Soluções”

Six films will be promoted to show, in a humorous way, the main character using the infamous “jeitinho” (quick fix) when trying to solve his problems. In addition to social networks, Agent Work Around will also be present in email marketing, smart messages and totems in the main stores of Rio de Janeiro and Ceará.

Learn more about the “Assistências Enel” programme

The “Assistências Enel” (Enel Support) service includes four types of plan: Auto, Moto, Pet and Residential Check-up. The plans have varying coverage, according to each customer’s profile.

The Pet plan, for example, covers veterinary appointments and information about the animal’s vaccines. Residential Check-up customers can action services such as electrical installation reviews, investigation of possible leaks and even help putting up paintings and shelves. The Moto plan includes electrical/mechanical breakdown support, while the Auto support also includes services such as towing and key cutting.

“Enel Soluções is the first energy solutions firm in the country to launch a its own support services portfolio, developed and sold by the company in partnership with Ikê Assistências, a support group with national coverage and specialised service providers”

In the first phase of sales, Enel Distribuição Rio and Enel Distribuição Ceará customers are able to acquire the plans and pay through their energy bills. In the second stage of the programme, which will include residents from other regions, payments will also be possible via credit card.

To learn more,visit or call 0800 600 0560.