“We had several outdoor activities, on the lawn and near the pool. We participated in many gincanas and I was able to meet customs and games from other countries that I never imagined existed. In addition, I visited the Coliseum, which I already knew from the magazines and books of the college, but I was very surprised by the importance of the history and the size of the monument. ”

The opportunity to exchange experiences with children and young people from different cultures but of the same age - all participants are between 8 and 17 years old - is one of the most popular We Are Energy attractions for parents:
“It was a unique opportunity that I would not be able to provide for my daughter. She came back all excited with the multicultural coexistence, the diversity of languages. At first, of course we were a little apprehensive of her spending so many hours on a plane, crossing the ocean. But we totally trust the tutors, in all the security that the company has given us. Neither I nor my wife, we never left Brazil.In fact, she was the only person in our family to travel abroad!”
For two weeks, the winners of We Are Energy learn and have fun with games, workshops, sports and cultural exchange activities. In addition to workshops on virtual reality and digital transformation, children also participated in arts workshops, discussed the problem of "Fake News" and created a "robot" using a 3D printer and toy parts.
“The activity that I liked the most joined the analog world with digital. We received watches, compasses, a paper map and a GPS application on the cell phone. Each team had to use these instruments to find some tips that were hidden throughout the space. It was really cool! ”
The purpose of the project is to enable the children of Enel Group employees to discuss future issues in a fun environment that can stimulate reflection.
“It was an incredible experience, a true 'culture shock' where I learned a lot. I made several friends and now we keep talking in five different groups of WhatsApp! They are people who are the same age as me, but who live in different countries of the world, with other types of food, of music, this is very cool. ”