Luiz Gazulha Jr

Regulatory Affairs Enel Ceará

Head of Regulatory Affairs at Enel Distribuição Ceará since November 2018, Luiz Gazulha Jr. has a wide experience in regulatory matters, risk management and strategic planning.

With an 18 years career in the energy industry, Gazulha has worked in companies such as Rio Grande Energia (CPFL Group), AES Brasil and Sterlite Power. His last position was as Director of Regulation, Energy Management and Asset Management at Eletropaulo.

Gazulha holds a degree in Law from the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from the National Institute of Tax Studies (INEJ) and an MBA in Business Management from ESPM. he has also a certification in Regulation and Strategy from the University of Florida and is a founding member of the Academy of Regulatory Professionals, from the same American university.