It is nearly impossible to listen to the famous Chico Buarque song and not imagine a small town, with its central church, gardens in bloom and people opening their windows to watch the band go by. We don’t know for sure what inspired the composition, but it could well have been the Minerva Philharmonic Society, a centenary institution from Morro do Chapéu which, on special days, roams the streets, promoting inclusion through music and “singing songs of love” in the Bahia countryside.
Minerva is a fundamental part of local people’s cultural identity formation and influences several generations of citizens and musicians. Currently 85 children and teenagers participate in music lessons at the institution’s headquarters, which also hosts amateur theatre and dance groups.
Today, the Philharmonic is under the stewardship of Maria do Carmo, who has been elated with what’s been going on in Morro do Chapéu. “I have to mention my happiness in seeing how we have been able to reactivate the Minerva Philharmonic.” According to the President, a large chunk of those 112 years was marked by difficult periods, with no inventive or financial support.
But good winds made the paths of Enel and Minerva Philharmonic cross! Through Symphony of Tomorrow, a project supported by the Ceará Law of Incentive to Culture that creates links through musical education and dialogues with several institutions in Brazil, the distributor met Minerva and it was impossible not to be enchanted.