Every day, thousands of women walk across cities towards the offices where they work, to the positions they hold and the customers they serve. This scene indicates an evolution in society compared with decades ago, but we still have a long way to go when the theme is gender diversity. Globally, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO), considering all men, 75% of them work, while among women the rate is of just 48.5% of the total.
When these statistics are analysed through the lens of the energy sector, the numbers become even smaller in relation to women’s participation in technical and top leadership roles. Enel is conscious of its role in changing this scenario, calling an increasing number of women to these positions and creating a future that is more inclusive and concerned with diversity. This happens because the company recognises that the balance between men and women of different ethnicities and nationalities brings better results through the union of different ideas and experiences, which positively contribute to the business.
Diversity as a business value
Enel Group, one of the largest in the world, is collaborating to build a more diverse and inclusive energy sector. Since 2015, it took on the commitment to boost the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as SDG 5 on gender equality and female empowerment, which has as one of its aims to ensure the full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities in leadership across all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. Thus, the Group has established as an internal goal to have at least 50% of female participation in all of the company’s selection processes by 2021.
There are many examples of female prominence within the Group that inspire and must be replicated. These are stories that reinforce the commitment to achieve gender equality in the company. During the month of March, Enel opened the floor for five employees to share their experiences and motivate women and men to join this movement.
Irene, employed in the IT sector, tells that her inspiration in life came from her mother, who became a widow too early and through sheer grit dedicated herself to raise her children, influencing them to think about what to do in the future. Irene believes that difficulties and challenges will always exist, regardless of the field and professional phase.