Toca do Leão: capoeira promotes social inclusion in Morro do Chapéu

Published on Monday, 10 June 2019

“It is the children who motivate me to, after working hard during the day, when the night comes to go to capoeira to transfer some of my learnings. When you love what you do and you have children around you, there is nothing better in the world”

– Adailson Oliveira, Toca do Leão Group volunteer

The town of Morro do Chapéu, located in the heart of Bahia, is home to one of Enel’s wind plants in Brazil and also to projects that aim to develop the people who live around the plant, bringing culture, sustainability and innovation to every one of them. One of the projects practiced in the town is Enel Shares Sport and Leisure, which supports the Toca do Leão capoeira group and promotes the sport as a means of social inclusion and creating opportunities. This support contributes to the achievement of the UN’s SDG 4, which ensures inclusive, equitable and quality education for all.

The Toca do Leão group, which develops social work and contributes to the education of the children and youngsters of Morro do Chapéu, brings benefits to both sides, playing an essential role in the lives of those who learn and also those who teach.

“Capoeira has changed my life, because if I hadn’t joined it, I could be doing wrong things on the street. From the moment I joined capoeira, I started seeing life through different eyes, especially as it introduced me to people who always offered a hand and encouraged me to follow the better path.”

– Darlan Alves, Toca do Leão Group volunteer

The capoeira circle has an important cultural value to Brazil. A practice that started among the people who came from Africa in the sixteenth century, it became an Afro-Brazilian intangible heritage and for of expression, a symbol of resistance, fight and sport. Thus, in Morro do Chapéu, capoeira has it cultural manifestation preserved and also transforms people’s lives.